
Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Eastern europe adventures, and the meaning of cool.

Wow, what an incredible trip its been! Through Romania, Moldova, and into Transnistria, a country that the international community says doesnt exist, that uses a currency not listed on thr stock exchange,where east and west meet in secret, an noone really knows what's going to happen.
It's like walking into a soviet twilight zone. The main streets are covered in beautiful buildings, hiding the far more disshevelled (though still very cool) back roads. In the end though, it is incredible, the people are incredible and they love their country, whetheror not others agree it exists.

I've long held the belief that 'cool' is not a popular vote, it is a personal one. If you think something is cool, then it is. Otherscan disagree with you, (and act accordinly) but they dont get a vote in your world, only in their own.
You like it, you rock it. That is cool.

So on an international stage, the people of Transnistria have their problems (Name me a country that doesnt?) But the way they love the patch land they call home, where monopoly's can rule, where coins can be plastic (Google them,they're beautiful) and where people smile just as wide as anywhere else when they meet a new face, invite you into their home, and share the wealth of fruits from their garden, that is cool.

From the beauty of Romania, the winefields of Moldova, intrigue of Transnistria, we enter Ukraine. Hot spot of eastern europe.

Adventuresto be had.

From the wrong time,the wong place,but maybe the right hat,

- Alexander Hewitt

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